Friday 5 October 2012

Collaboratitive Action Poster Analysis

  • The Four Main Characters at the top of the page. Theses are all main charcters and help sum up and introduce the charcters to the audeince. This is also a good place to advertise popular actors as a USP.
  • The title is placed at the bottom of the poster in the centre. They are also both silver in colour.
  • The background is a simple black background, this helps keep the audeinces attention on the important features of the poster such as the actors and the title 
  • At the centre of the posters is a item which helps sum up the film, for example in fast and furious it is a car, which is the main feature of the film, in Thor the main feature is Thor.
  • Under the title there is a small slogan for both films.
  • Under the slogan is a list of credits including actors, directors and other importnant people and organisations

  • The colour scheme is very alike with the use of a yellowy orange, with a sunrise/sunset in the background.
  • In both the posters the date it is released is at the bottom of the page, around the same size, making it easy to see amd read but not the main attraction of the film.
  • The layout is the same with a character in the top left and more chacraters in the bottom right
  • The postion of the main charcters is diffent in the posters in Tears of the sun the main chacrater is top left, whereas in Wanted the main chacreter is bottom right.
  • Another differnece is the position of the title, in Tears of the Sun it is at the bottom and in The Wanted poster it is at the top. 


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