Friday 19 October 2012

Possible Film Names

We haven't yet come up with a film title yet, so we thought that we should brainstorm some and choose our favourate names out of this selection. Below are the results of our brainstorm.

My top 3 Favourate names are:

Faded Delusion
Waiting for Sorrow

We also decieded to ask the target market what their favourate names were, we ask 30 people from the 18-30 age range and the top names came out as:

Awaken the Myth
Standing Quietly
Wrong Shadows
Faded Delusion
Silent Myth
Never Wait

Combining these results I believe that the Top 2 Names are:

Faded Delusion
Awaken the Myth

In Conclusion I have chosen to use Faded Delusion. I have gone for this name as I think as a general Horror name it is quite likeable,but I mainly chose it as it links in with the film idea. The idea that the real killer is only known by the accused killer, makes it seem as if its his Delusion and the real killer is mysterious and isn't usually seen and just lurks, this is where the Faded part comes into the title.

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