Friday 13 July 2012

Hannibal Poster Analysis

The poster above is for the film Hannibal rising. This is a prequel to the other 3 films and is the last Hannibal film to be released. The poster itself sticks to the conventions of Hannibal film posters well, as they are very unique in the fact that the only thing you can see is the killers face instantly. This is very differnet to other Horror films as most try to hide who the killer is as this usually makes it scarier. But in this the killer is scary enough to instantly be shown.

The Hannibal films have a large following in the Horror genre, as all the films have been quite popular, even though this film got the worst rating. It appeils to Horror fans by posting this scary charcter on the front, He is scary for several reasons. One reason is that his eyes are red, this suggests to the audeince that he kills and is looking for blood, it is also a trademark of the Hannibal series. A second reason he is creepy is that he wears a mask that covers the lower half of his face. This is scary as it hides his emotions as the mask is fashioned into a creepy smile, underneath he could be extremly angry but as you don't know it frightens the audeince. The mask is also another trademark of the Hannibal Saga. The tagline for this film is 'It started with revenge' this suggests to the audeince that it is going to give the audeince a insight into what turns the killer into a killer, which will help draw in the audeince of the previous films as this insight into how he became a killer would interest them.

Other Methods of Advertising

There are several methods that film producers use to help advertise a film below I will list some of the ways they can help attract there target audience.

Bus Posters
This is a clever way of advertising as it advertises to a large audeince and can be very eye catching. However a downfall of this method is it isnt there for very long so it needs to get its point across quickly otherwise it is ineffective.

Viral Grafitti
This is a clever way of advertising as it can be very cheap and gains large media coverage if it is clever and interesting, for example like this Dark knight rises grafitti, people had to find every grafitti across the globe to reveal the trailer. However if it isn't interesing then it isn't very effective. Also it really needs to be used on a current fanbase to gain hype as it doesn't advertise itself well to a new audeince.

Cross-Media Convergance and Synergy


Tuesday 10 July 2012

Harry Potter Poster Analysis

Below I am going to analyse some Harry Potter Posters and what they portray to the audience and if they do there job of advertising the film.

Poster 1

In this first poster, it is very busy but it is like this as it helps let the audence know alot about the film. For this poster they havn't got a picture but it is a good drawing of the charcacters. It also has the castle where the film is set in the background. It includes many of the main charcters including Harry, Hermionie, Ron, Hagrid and Dumbledore. As this was the first film it is a good way of introducing some of the main charcters and locations. The title is 'the magic begins' this suggests to the audeince that if they havn't read the book or seen a trailer that they would know that the film is about magic, this slogan also suggets that there will be other films. In this poster it is very colourful with little shadows, this may be to help target a younger audince. In the poster at the top is a tranquil blue, but lower down the poster the main colours are yellows and red. With hindsight of seeing the film I know that theese are the colours of Gryfindor, maybe subliminaly making the audience side with this house instead of some of the others. The title of the the film, 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone' is at the bottom of the poster, the Harry Potter part is very big, this is trying to lure in people that have read the books.

Poster 2

This is the second poster that I have chosen to analyse, this film is titled 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban'. The title is situated in the bottom right hand side of the poster, in a silvery colour. This is still like the first film trying to attract fans of the Harry Potter triology. In this poster it uses a large picture of harry infront of Shrieking shack set in snow. In this poster the big picture is of Harry on his own, compared to older posters in which he is surrounded by other charcters. This suggests that Harry may be or feel isolated in this film. The only other character in the poster is Professor Lupin This could suggest that he is the only charcter in the film that Harry feels a connection with. In the poster there are also some props which are invloved in the film, such as the Mauraders Map. In this poster compared to the first film I analysed this is much darker and suggets that this will go deeper into Harrys troubles. You can't really tell what genre the film is but if you look closely you notice Harry is carrying a Wand which would tell you that it is a Fantasy film.

Poster 3
This is the third and last poster I am analysing and it is quite different to the others I have done. In this the main thing is a Panoramic shot of Hogwarts on fire. This is quite a bold picture as it doesn' t involve anything else except this, there arn't any characters or props that are used. This could be that all the audeinces attention is on the castle. They can do this as it is the seventh film and already has a large fanbase, and instead of attracting an audience it is just making the current fanbase more excited for the film. The picture of Hogwarts burning suggests to the audeince something big will happen such as Harrys possible death. This is also reinforced by the slogan which is 'it all ends here' this suggests that the saga is going to end, this will help attract an old audeince who want to see how it ends. If you look carefully though it is in 2 parts, part 1 and part 2 which will be realsed a year apart, this is a clever way of almost forcing the audeince to go and see 2 films instead of one. From the poster you can't tell that the film is a Fantasy film but it already it has such a large fanbase it doesn't need to advertise its genre. The colours of this poster are either darks such as dark blue or black and reds which helps to show that Hogwarts is on fire. The title of the film is big in the middle of the poster but it is just a short version of saying Harry Potter 7, it doesn't need to full name the film as the current fanbase which they are trying to advertise too already know the trademark font which they have used.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Teaching Trailers - Creation of Dairy of a Wimpy Kid 3 Trailer

On this site it allows you too recreate the trailer for Diary of a Wimpy Kid, this is what I managed to produce before the software froze.

Heres what the trailer actually looks like.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Mock Mine Forever Teaser Trailer

Last year we created a film called Mine Forever, it was a Horror film that invloved a ghost and a group of kids. As a mini project we had too make a mock teaser trailer for it. Below is the video.

Monday 2 July 2012

Comparison between 2 trailers of the same genre

The 2 film trailers I am comparing are The Dark Knight Rises trailer and the Amazing Spiderman trailer which are both Superhero action films. I have already previously analysed both these trailers but below I will compare them and see how they are the same and how they are different.


The First similarity I noticed was that they both feature a large amount of action, including fights, explosions and other action clichés. This is common for an action film trailer to feature as it helps appeal to a action fan base, helping to create a target market which are likely to go and watch the film. It is a sensible thing to do as they know that this audience would be the most likely to want to go and watch them, therefore advertising aimed at this target audience will help bring in a large amount of sales.

A second similarity I noticed between both films is they both drew on the fact they have a previous fan base and tried to appeal to this market. They did this by showing clearly the hero and the villain, as previous fans of the Batman and Spiderman franchise will also want to see this film like action films. They also show clearly who the villain is, but in both films they use a mildly unseen villain as it gives them a fresh slate to work with as Lizard the villain in Spiderman hasn’t featured in any films, however Bane the villain in Spiderman has featured in a few comic TV shows, however you can instantly see that they have reinvented him into a believable character by not having enormously large muscles.

A third similarity within both the trailers is they both rely on a large amount of special effects to help the trailer be interesting. The special effects included are explosions, strange creatures, gunfire, and other spectacular events.


One Difference I noticed is that the Batman trailer seems a lot more realistic as it doesn’t involve superhuman characteristics or humanoid lizards, maybe this appeals more to a action film audience whereas the Amazing Spiderman is quite obviously fiction due to Spiderman’s abilities and the fact the villain is a giant lizard. This would appeal to a more hardcore superhero audience. Due to this I think Batman will gain a larger profit than Spiderman as the Action audience is a lot larger than a Superhero fan base.

A second difference between the two trailers is that the trailer for the Amazing Spiderman involves Comedic values; this is a clever way of helping to draw a larger audience as this will help attract comedy fans. Compared to this the trailer for the Dark Knight Rises which is sinister and dark, revolving around ‘the saga ends’ maybe suggesting that Batman will die in this film, for which the trailer needs to be serious as Batman dying will be sad.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Analysis of the Amazing Spiderman Trailer

Spiderman is an Action Superhero film which is to be released this summer. It was directed by Marc Webb, who became famous for directing the film 500 days of summer. It is the fourth Columbia film that portrays Spiderman however this isn’t a sequel or prequel, it is a reboot of the original film with a different story and new actors. It stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Rhys Ifans. The USP of the film is that it uses the legacy of Spiderman to sell the film. There is already a large fan market for this films with fans of the original comic going to see the film and also fans of the first 3 Spiderman films will want to see it as well, but the film could flop if it doesn’t live up to the Spiderman reputation. Not only fans of the comic and previous films will go to see this. This sort of film appeals to many people, such as 8-30 year olds and also an older age group. Although it a male audience will be a main target for this film, there will also be a large female audience. The music throughout the trailer is upbeat and rock like, this is a common convention of Action films. This will help make the trailer appeal to action film fans. It uses many shots within the trailer, most are just wide shots of Spiderman to help appeal to Spiderman fans. It also shows quite well the setting as this is the first film, they could of decided not to set it in New York like the last films, but from the setting shots you can see that it also set in New York It is a very fast paced trailer, helping give the impression to the audience that it is a fast based action film. Having such a fast based trailer helps draw attention as people will want to go see the film to see what causes this much action. There is a bit of dialogue in the trailer mostly comprising of spider man talking. It lets you know about the background story, as Spiderman talks about how his parents left when he was young and that he wants to find out what happened to them. The are quite a few special effects used in as the Spiderman film would look unimpressive without Spiderman flying around. There are also explosions and gunfire which reinforces to the audience that this Spiderman will be action packed. There is a single Columbia pictures title at the start which suggests it was mainly created by them. The trailer for Spiderman is also quite comedic in places, helping appeal to comedy fans as they might go to see it to see the funny parts.