Friday 13 July 2012

Other Methods of Advertising

There are several methods that film producers use to help advertise a film below I will list some of the ways they can help attract there target audience.

Bus Posters
This is a clever way of advertising as it advertises to a large audeince and can be very eye catching. However a downfall of this method is it isnt there for very long so it needs to get its point across quickly otherwise it is ineffective.

Viral Grafitti
This is a clever way of advertising as it can be very cheap and gains large media coverage if it is clever and interesting, for example like this Dark knight rises grafitti, people had to find every grafitti across the globe to reveal the trailer. However if it isn't interesing then it isn't very effective. Also it really needs to be used on a current fanbase to gain hype as it doesn't advertise itself well to a new audeince.

Cross-Media Convergance and Synergy


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