Thursday, 17 January 2013

Horror Questionare (Unfinsihed)

Above is a questionnaire that I created and gave out to several people. I will state what the answer was and what it suggests. I will then conclude the results and these results will probably effect several decisions within my trailer, poster and magazine cover.

The first question asked was about the actual persons demographics. The results for this question is as below.

Male - 17
Female -13

0-15   - 3
16-25 - 23
26+    - 4

I asked a more predominantly male audience as looking into a audience analysis, there are more males than females that watch Horror films. However asking a broad range of people will give a clear answer and make the answers true and more precise. Which I could improve about the age range as I only really asked the Horror film target audience, it could benefit me and the media I create if I ask a broader range of people.

The second question I asked was what their favourite horror film was, I had a very broad range of answers with the top five being Paranormal activity 2, A nightmare of elm street, Dead Silence, The Exorcist and 28 Days Later. The one thing that i notice that is similar with all of these is they are well thought out, original and famous. Most people know each of these films, except for Dead Silence, which is a classic but isn't as known as the others. With this I believe that for my media I need to make sure that my idea is original and cannot be similar to anything that is already on the market. I also found that some of these films are similar in other way, I also noticed that these films are also similar in the way that they most of them also involve a paranormal killer. Including the demon in paranormal activity, Freddy Krueger, The lady from Dead Silence and the demon that inhabits the girl from the exorcist. Which suggests that the main bulk of Horror fans enjoy movies with a paranormal killer, which is good as our killer is planning on being a paranormal character.

The third question I asked was how they watched Horror films. The results are below, some people ticked more than one box.

DVD - 30
TV - 17
Smartphone - 2
Cinema - 24
Other - 0

This suggests that our largest market for our Horror film will be predominantly be DVD and the Cinema. This is quite obvious as these are the markets that most Horror films market themselves towards.

My fourth question is what is the persons favourite weapon used in Horror films. The possible answers were either None, Knife, Sword, Chainsaw, Gun or other. The answers were as below.

None - 8
Knife - 7
Sword - 3
Chainsaw - 5
Gun - 7
Other - 0

This is beneficial for me as I found that None, which my planned killer would use as it will be a more of a psychological Horror, is one of the favourites, this will benefit my trailer as I know it will appeal to the target market. However some classic favourites such as a knife and chainsaw do still seem popular, however if we use these weapons I feel that I wouldn't be able to create a new way of using them. Which when I asked what they're favourite films I found originality was very important for the target audience.

My fifth question involved asking them what they're favourite Horror character is. For this question I a very wide variety of answers so I will only write the top 5 results of which are Freddy Krueger, Leatherface, Zombies, Micheal Myers and Chucky. This again shows that the audience wants originality within the creation of the killer within a Horror film.

My sixth question was similar to the last with the fact that we had many answers so I will only use the more popular answers, they were the following.

Paranormal Activity 4
The Pact
Nightmare on Elm Street 
The Haunting of Emily Rose
The Frightners
Evil Dead

These are a range of results including new films that are new to the cinema and also some that are new to Netflix and some that are just classics so may have been watched on TV or on DVD. This is a good way of finding the way that our target audience watch films in a sneaky way without asking them directly.

My seventh question is about summing up the Horror genre in three words. Although this isn't a very regular question I included it as I thought I might bring up some points that wouldn't have been touched on otherwise. 

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