Monday, 28 January 2013


Below is the script for our trailer, a screenplay or script is a written work by screenwriters for a film or television program. These screenplays can be original works or adaptations from existing pieces of writing. In them, the movement, actions, expression, and dialogues of the characters are also narrated. A play for television is also known as a teleplay. For the script the characters will be referred to by who they are and not by there names as I believe that using there names may become confusing. Script for Faded Delusion Trailer

Things in square brackets [  ] are stage directions
Things without brackets are dialogue 

[Main Character sitting on sofa watching tv]

[Weather report on on the TV]

Weather Girl: and with the winds coming in from the east, this could bring light snow and rain in from the Atlantic. And that was the weather, back to Ted with the news.

[Jump cut to the News Anchor]

News Anchor: Thanks, recently there have been several murders, they have been committed in the style of slenderman, a mythical creature.

[Jump cut to Main character]

Main Character: This is exactly what I need to make it to the big time.

[Main Character stands up]

[Jump cut to new location]

[Main Character puts on Coat]

[Jump Cut to New shot where Main Character is talking to the Victims Mother]

Victims mother: Its really bad, I feel so sorry for the families.

Main Character: Thank you for you time. Our thoughts are with the Victims families, lets hope the killings end soon.

And thats it, thanks for your time.

Victims Mother: Anytime

[Main Character picks up camera and leaves]

[Mother leaves but door stays open]

[Black flashes and HeartBeat]

Victim: 'Scream'

[Jump Cut to Detective shot]

Detective One: Greg Donaldson you are under arrest for the murder of...

[Main Character bursts past both Detective]

Detective Two: After him!

[Detectives proceed to chase after main charcter]

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