Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Storyboard Animatic

This is the storyboard animatic for our trailer for Faded Delusion. However this version does not have any sound, like the real version would, this is one change we could possibly make to this animatic to improve it, as it will give a better idea of how the trailer will look. I created this animatic using a graphics tablet and photoshop drawing each segment and then inserting the photos drawn into Adobe Premier elements to create the finished animatic.

The Faded Delusion animatic starts with a title shot. This title shot could be something such as the name Faded Delusion or a suitable for all ages title, an example of one will be put below. A suitable for all ages title will be worthwhile within our trailer as it allows the audience to know thats its suitable for all ages, as the content within the trailer won't be rude or too graphic allowing anyone to see it. If we wanted to include some blood or swearing then we would have to increase the age suitability so that little children don't watch it and get scared.

The second shot is of another title. This could be a something such as production company, for instance  I believe that we would use the Graveyard productions title as this is my created production company. I made the titles so there would be no infringement on copyright, which is necessary as if this was a real project and a copyright infringement was found a lawsuit may be filed which would effect the funding available for the films production. An example of this is in Mine Forever first 2 minutes I created last year.

The next shot in the trailer is the first real shot. It is an Over the Shoulder shot, shot in the main characters living room. The shot pans in towards the TV screen and slowing to a stop when the TV fits the screen. There are several other shots in the animatic including a close up, a wide shot, and also various effects. For an in detail explanation of these check our storyboard. Click here if you want to see the storyboard. Having created this storyboard I have found that the trailer flows very well and if created well enough it would look very professional.

The things I like about my animatic.

+ The flow - I find that the flow is good, it isn't too jumpy and allows for an easy to watch.
+ Number of Shots - There is a wide range of shots allowing for an interesting watch. This is necessary for a trailer as it needs to keep the audience watching and also needs to draw them in to want to watch the actual film.
+ Informative - the storyboard shows the production companies and also the title of the film so the audience know what the film is called.
+ Original - The animatic doesn't look similar to any other trailers. This is good as it will keep it interesting.
+ The Pictures - The pictures drawn on the computer give a professional effect, when compared to pictures drawn by hand.

Things I dislike about my animatic.

- Lack of Sound - The lack of sound within the trailer does take away from the effect of the finished animatic.
- Lack of analysis - I would of liked for there too be some analysis on each of the shots. Allowing for the viewer to pause and gain a deeper knowledge of the shot. However the extreme detail in the storyboard makes up for this.

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