Wednesday 27 February 2013

Horror Poster Analysis

This is a Sinister poster, this is a very recent horror film that has just been released. I believe this is an effective poster for several reasons.
One reason for this being an effective poster is the fact that the poster is the same as the the film cover. I believe that this is an effective factor of the film poster as it will help be a brand. People will see the poster and remember it, then when you see the film cover you will remember the poster and hopefully be persuaded to purchase the film.
A second reason why this is an effective poster is that it helps show the possible consumers what the get when the watch the film. It is obvious that the film is a horror, due to the creepy face drawn in blood on the wall, the cracked decrepit wall, and the strange child.
Another reason I like this poster is just the layout it doesn't show any overused cliches within posters which gives it a special unique selling point which I believe will help sell the film.

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